Seismion at the High-End in Munich 2024 – summary

Seismion was again attending the High-End from 9th-12th May. Compared to last year, we arrived with a total of 15 vibration isolators plus two of our new audio racks and the experimental loudspeaker-isolators to Munich. They were used in the rooms of darTZeel, Absolare and Sigma Acoustics. Beside that, the New Reference turntable, the result of our cooperation with Thorens, was again presented.

Following are a few impressions from Munich.

The massive MAAT vector loudspeaker were placed on our industrial isolators Atlas. Each of these powerful units can carry up to 1 ton, and have very high control forces, so that the speakers were efficiently stabilized. They had an incredible effect on the reproduction of the bass, which was extremely sharp. They also prevented the transmission of vibrations into the ground, so that no parasitic resonances were excited. Seismion will bring out a new product for the audio market in the new future.

In the background a total of four of our new Reactio 2 vibration isolators can be seen. This new product will be announced shortly, so stay tuned!

The darTZeel room featured our new audio racks. Again, the new Reactio 2 was presented with great success, and all four darTZeel NHB 468 power amplifiers were placed on our Reactio plus isolators.

A detail shot of the rack and the new Reactio 2:

Finally, Absolare also featured our vibration isolators in their room:

Overall, the Munich High-End was a great event, and it was our pleasure to meet some of you personally!

Seismion at the High-End in Munich 2024

Seismion will again be attending the High-End in Munich from 9th-12th May. We are excited to be co-exhibitors at the darTZeel booth (A 4.2, F213) as well as Extreme Audio and CanEVER Audio (H2, H07/J11). Seismion will present the current Reactio plus vibration isolators under various equipment, as well as some new developments.

Beside that, the Thorens New Reference turntable will again be shown at booth H3, M06/N05/M06N05. It is the result of the cooperation between Thorens and Seismion, and features the Seismion active isolation technology built inside the turntable as a core element.

Last year was the world-premier of two prototypes, while this year features the final product.

Seismion cooperates with Helmut Thiele on new active damping Thiele ADB01

Seismion is delighted to announce a new cooperation with Helmut Thiele! Helmut is worldwide acknowledged both by his own turntables and ‚zero-tracking error‘ tonearm aswell by his long-term cooperation with Thorens. Now, he designed a new active damping base ADB01, which features Seismion’s well-proven active damping technology known from the Reactio.

HIFIStatement published a first review of the active damping base ADB01 (only in german language):


You have the chance to experience the turntable TA01 with the new active damping base ADB01 at this year’s AXPONA (Audio Expo North America)!

Seismion Reactio receives DIAMOND AWARD by AudioKeyReviews

Seismion is thrilled to see our Reactio vibration isolator is awarded with the prestigious Diamond Award from AudioKeyReviews!
For the review, the Reactio was tested with their reference system, Reactio placed beneath Lyric Audio Ti 100 Mk II tube amplifiers. The reviewer immediately noticed that the bass was then easily the tightest, most effortless, and deepest that they had heard to date on their reference system. The overall transparency and resolution was greatly increased as well.

These effects were made possible, since the Seismion Reactio had replaced the already quiet and low noise floor with an immaculately black-quiet background and a vanishingly low noise floor. A wealth of detail down to the finest micro-details that had been previously hidden beneath a reverberant noise floor was free, with the Reactio doing undeniable magic, especially in the midrange section.

He closes by saying that Seismion Reactio is a real game changer, and its distant cousins – other non-electrified isolation platforms of any and all makes – should be very worried. You can find the full review in the following link on page 108 ff:

Announcement of new „Reactio Plus“ vibration isolator

Seismion is proud to announce the product launch of the new active vibration isolator Reactio Plus.

The Reactio Plus is the cumulative result of our constant development since the Reactio was introduced more than one year ago. While sharing the same housing parts and appearance of the Reactio, it will offer an isolation performance, which is about three times higher than the Reactio. Even more importantly, the low-frequency isolation is starting with -10 dB reduction at 1 Hz alreadywith the Reactio Plus, while the Reactio starts isolation at 1.5 Hz with 0 dB.

The Reactio is highly praised by our customers in the field of high-quality audio, and this version will remain in our product range.

The new Reactio Plus with its exceptional isolation performance is for our dedicated audiophile users, which thrive for the perfect reproduction of their music. To appreciate the loyalty of our existing customers, we will offer them a very special discount and priorised delivery.

The Reactio Plus comes in the same dimensions like the Reactio, which are 500×400 mm and 600×500 mm. The payload ranges from 0 to 120 kg.

More information will be shared very soon, so stay tuned!

The below graphic shows metallic footers, which are optional and fit to Reactio and Reactio Plus.

Seismion at the HIGH END Munich 2023

From may 18 to 21, Seismion GmbH will attend at the HIGH END Munich, Beside our Seismion Reactio vibration isolator, we are excited to present a ground-breaking new product in cooperation with another partner. More news will follow soon, stay tuned!

Seismion at the spring meeting of the German Physical Society

From april 28th until 30th, Seismion GmbH exhibited at the spring neetubg if the german physical society in Dresden. Beside the Seismion Reactio isolator, we have also presented our new Atlas isolator to the public.

Seismion Atlas isolators can be arranged as a group of several isolation feet, typically 4, 6, or multiple of it, depending on the weight of the application. Atlas isolators can handle payload up to several tons, and can also counter-act dynamical systems like moving XY-stages etc.

Why VC curves are probably the most important criteria to compare the performance of vibration isolators

Typically, different vibration isolators are compared using the transmissibility curve and resonance frequency as measures. Both these specifications are extremeny important for any isolator, since they basically define how much vibration reduction the isolator is capable of, depending on the frequency of disturbance. As most vibration isolators can be modelled in a first approximation as a mass suspended on a spring and damper, the transmissibility has the following characteristics, and isolation starts above 1.41 times the resonance frequency.

Clearly, the resonance frequency should be as low as possible, since it would shift the whole curve to the left, realizing isolation in a broader frequency range, and also to a stronger amount.

However, especially in active vibration isolators, one cannot neglect certain nonlinearities and further sources of excitation. Namely this is the maximum allowable force from the actuators, which limits the performance towards large amplitudes.

Equally important is the performance under low excitation sources. It is a fact that all electronic components in an active systems generate some self-noise. Even piezoelectric sensors include to a certain amount noise in the sensor signal. The sensor signal is amplified multiple times in the feedback loop to generate the strong vibration isolation performance. As the control cannot distinguish between the noise and the real signal, also the noise reaches the actuators and excites the isolated platform with a certain noisy vibration spectrum. This noise is independend from the vibration excitation, and represents a constant vibration spectrum on the isolated plate. It is the lower limit of the absolute amplitudes, which the isolator is capable of.

It is therefore a hard fact to compare different isolators.

Vibration Criteria curves (VC-curves) are a common industry standard to classify existing vibration levels. They are based on a set of one-third octave band absolute velocity spectra:

Workshop: Distinctly perceptible vibrations
Office: Perceptible vibration
Residential Day: Barely perceptible vibration. Appropriate to sleep areas in most instances Adequate for semiconductor probe test equipment and microscopes less than 40x
Op. Theatre: Vibration not perceptible. Suitable in most instances for microscopes to 100x
VC-A: Adequate in most instances for optical microscopes to 400x
VC-B: Adequate for inspection and lithography to 3 µm line widths
VC-C: Appropriate for optical microscopes to 1000x, inspection and lithography inspection equipment
VC-D: Suitable even for the most demanding equipment including eletron microscopes
VC-E: Assumed to be adequate for the most demanding of sensitive systems including long path, laser-based, small target systems, E-Beam lithography systems working at nanometer scales

Between each VC-curve, limit for the maximum allowed vibration amplitudes is halved.
As VC-E is currently the toughest criterion, all further levels F, G etc. are for evaluation purpose only, and not used in industry standards.

To figure out the limitations concerning the noise floor of the Seismion Reactio, we have tested it on a place with as little vibration excitation as possible, and then measure the spectrum on the isolated top-plate. Following is the test result.

Measured absolute vibration velocities with Seismion Reactio

It can be seen that our Reactio achieves VC-F level in the whole frequency range starting below 1 Hz. That means it easily fulfills all industry standards even for the most sensitive systems. Above 2 Hz even VC-G level is realized.

How Seismion realizes industry leading noise floor levels

One key specification in the development of Seismion Reactio isolators has been to realize the lowest noise level amoung all currently available active vibration isolators in its class. The control feedback loop purely consists of analog components, which are selected also based on their noise characterists. The noise level of our piezoelectric sensors are calculated based on scientific publications, and its properties are chosen accordingly.

Often, the transmissibility curves given in datasheets are measured under controlled shaker excitation, which is so large that noise does not have any influence. However, transmissibility curves given by Seismion are all measured only under ambient excitation in laboratory, which should very much agree to the vibration level that the isolator normally experiences under operation.

How Seismion evaluates the performance of the vibration isolators by transmissibility measurements

The previous acticle has considered modeling aspects for optimizing the performance of active vibration isolators. But equally important is the test under real conditions. For this part, we at Seismion have developed our own measurement kit. It consists of two sensor units, that both detect vibrations in vertical and horizontal direction. These signals are processed in the frequency domain, and the vibration spectra of each of the four sensors are determined.

Subsequently, the transmissibility is calculated as the ratio of top-plate spectrum divided by base spectrum, both for vertical and horizontal directions. The following is a screenshot of our program, which in real-time displays the spectra and transmissibilities.

The top figure displays the 4 spectra of the sensors. It can be seen that there is a growing gap between the two sensors placed on the base (S2) and the two placed on the isolated top-plate (S1). This difference is exactly the reduction caused by the isolator, which reaches up to -30 dB in this example.

It is important to mention, that we are measuring the transmissibility without artificial shaker excitation, like it is normally done. Instead, we simply place the vibration isolator on a rigid table, which only receives the ambient vibrations as in a typical laboratoriy environment. In this way, we are measuring the isolation performance as it really matters for the end-user, and not with an artificial excitation which might be best suited to show the performance the isolator.

Based on these measured spectra, one can also realize the importance of low-frequency isolation. The largest vibration amplitudes in this measurement are located in the range 1-10 Hz, with an distinct peak at 10 Hz, after which it is strongly reduced. The 10 Hz is most likely the resonance of the table where the isolator is placed on. Therefore, the isolation performance is most urgently needed below 10 Hz. This is the range where active isolators outperform air spring isolators the most.

Comparison with the calculated transmissibility curve shows a very good agreement, which validates our computer model. In the above example it can be noticed that the measured transmissibilities are rising for higher frequencies approximately above 30 Hz. This is not the actual performance of the isolator, but it is caused by the noise floor of the sensors. Since the sensors on the top-plate receive much less vibration signal due to the isolation, the remaining signal is dominated by the noise.

To emphasize this, the noise limit of the sensors are included in the upper window. It can be seen that the measured spectrum approaches this noise floor, but does not go below it. Since the spectrum of base excitation gets smaller for high frequencies, the gap between these spectra is eventually diminished to zero, which is interpreted as transmissibility of the isolator, but in fact here is due to the sensor noise.

Repeating the same measurement with a stronger excitation will result in a different (better) transmissibility, since the noise floor is not reached that soon.

The Seismion measurement box of course can also be used to evaluete different placements of the isolator and the application, and choose the one with lowest excitation level.

How Seismion optimizes the performance of Reactio vibration isolator using multiphysics models and transmissibility curves

The transmissibility is probably the most important property of vibration isolators. Basically the transmissibility can be regarded as the amount of vibration that gets through the isolator divided by the vibration that is present on the base where the isolator is placed.

Based on the mechanical properties like the stiffness, damping and the mass upon the isolator, as well as the sensitivity of the sensors, the actuator constant, and – most importantly – the control circuitry, we have built multiphysics computer models that allow us to calculate the transmissibility of an isolator with a given parameter set. This is an important part in our development and design of our vibration technology products, since it allows us to figure out interdependencies between the different subsystems, determine stability limits, perform parameter studies, and to make optimizations of the overall system before actually building up an isolator.

With the help of these models, we can even shape the transmissibility curve according to the needs of the end user and its application. Depending on the specific requirements, some applications might need a stronger isolation already in the very low frequency range like 1-2 Hz, while other applications can to some amount sacrifice this low frequency performance for an even higher isolation in the range 10-100 Hz, for example. The natural stability limits of feedback-controlled systems require to make a trade-off between conflicting goals, which can ideally be solved by our computer models.

However, beside linear model behaviour, several other influences need to be studied. Using rather simple linear models, the calculated transmissibility curve would be always the same for a given vibration isolator, no matter what kind of vibration excitation you apply to the system. But testing an isolator in real world will reveal many more factors that matter.

Probably easy to understand is the influence of the maximum forces, that the vibration isolator can generate. Due to the limits of the control circuitry and the actuator itself, every active system is limited to some extend. In cases with strong excitations, the feedback control is saturated, and the generated control force does not grow linearly with the excitation anymore. As a result, the isolation performance is reduced.

At the other extremum, also very small excitation is a challenge for vibration isolators. Since every electronics, and even the piezoelectric sensors, exhibit a certain amount of noise, this noise translates into a noisy actuator force, which excites the top-plate to vibrations. This noise is always present, but normally it is multiple times smaller than the real signal from the sensors and therefore it is no concern. But high-precision applications are typically already placed in a vibration-free surrounding, and in this case the signal-to-noise ratio gets worse, and as a result also the isolation performance. Actually, the noise in the control loop determines the lowest vibration levels, that the top-plate can fulfill.

Seismion Reactio vibration isolators are designed especially with these interdependencies in mind. Our sensors are developed in-house and offer the very high sensitivity that we need. Together with the dedicated, low-noise electronics we have realized an exceptional good signal-to-noise ratio. As a result, the isolator also works perfectly even under low excitation levels. This can easily be proven by the Vibration Criteria curves (VC-curves), that the isolator can realize. From our measurements, VC-F is met already from 1 Hz, and VC-G already from 2 Hz. These vibration criteria levels are extremely tight, and currently not even used as design criteria, but only for evaluation. VC-E is in fact the design criterion for most demanding sensitive equipment like E-beam lithography at nanometer scales, which our Seismion Reactio isolator easily fulfills.

Measured Vibration Criteria curve of Seismion Reactio isolators

It should be noted that even passive isolators like air springs have significantly lower performance (or even no performance at all) under low excitation levels, since the air springs do not elastically deform under small vibration amplitudes.

Concerning the maximum forces, the Seismion Reactio are higher than most of the competitor products, meaning that they can also isolate strong disturbances.

Such complex and sophisticaled systems like active vibration isolators also have to be tested thoroughly beside the computer optimization. This will be discussed in the next blog entry.